Tuesday, January 8, 2013

So Long Sherlock

Here is the product of about 5 minutes of photoshop. Definitely not my proudest picture, but it did teach me some of the bare basics of photoshop, so something good came out of it. It's a man inspecting a giant footprint with a magnifying glass (why he would need a magnifying glass I can't even fathom) and he's about to be stepped on by the foot that made the print.

Psychadelic Rhino Zebra

This Rhino mated with a zebra, then go a prety sweet tattoo thanks to photoshop.

Nigel Thornberry Making Friends With a Giraffe

Today we had to make a 3D clay tile sculpture and paint it with acrylics. I couldn't resist the urge to depict the great Nigel Thornberry in his natural habitat. Here we can see him out on his daily stroll, taking film of the local wildlife, in this case a giraffe.

Ellie Elephant Living with Nessy

We recently learned how to paint landscapes, so I painted the most interesting landscape I could think of. A mountain range in Montana with a lake inhabited by the Loch Ness Monster, and an elephant peacefully grazing in the midground. The reflection of the mountains on the lake was pretty hard to do, and I think I could have done it a little bit better, but oh well. At least the elephant is cool.